We had the opportunity to chat with our Luizy and we talked about many things, such as his creative process to create music, his short time living in Brazil and, to the delight of all MOODZ, his long-awaited online show!
We’re sure you’ll love the interview and will have fun with the little game that ends this meeting! Enjoy ♥
The interview
Hello WOODZ, it is a great pleasure to be able to interview an artist so loved by Brazil! We appreciate the opportunity! We are K4US, an opinion and entertainment website, which seeks to get people to reflect on various topics in society, encourages people to be more responsible on the internet, and we show what goes beyond pop music!
Let’s talk a little bit about your work, your relationship with Brazil, and about some more serious issues, but let’s also try to have fun together!
Let’s go!
1) Your song “Love Me Harder” has something very peculiar to bring about this relationship between “Love and the nuances of blue”. Why did you choose this context for your debut? What does this color mean to you? Is there anything else you want to contextualize about your recent work that maybe the fans may not have captured in the message of the song?
“Why everyone thinks of red for love?”, this question was a trigger. In terms of image, I was thinking about which color would be well matched with my cynical and chic look in the music video, but grey was so typical that blue was chosen. I think blue is quite tone downed chic. Also, MOODZ knew that I liked blue and orange colors, so I thought it would be a great present for MOODZ as well. And I think my fans already captured all messages of the song, even if there were a few things that I was trying to hide.
2) Besides being a singer and a rapper, you also are a big producer, who writes songs not just for yourself but for other artists as well and we can see everything that you are capable of, including with the M.O.L.A. What are your other sources of inspiration to compose and how the creative process works?
I’m inspired by various moments, when I take a walk, listen to other music, watch movies or dramas… But the process of producing a song is very varied. Sometimes, I work on the track with my track maker or when someone recommends saying “this kind of new track is coming out. Do you want to try it?”. I always try various processes and don’t like to work as just a typical process. I tend to accept all the things for producing.
3) Previously, you had solo works and group experiences. Nowadays, you remain firmly in the resumption of your solo career, where you seem to be even more intense and with a full schedule. What are you thinking of the experience of doing things “alone” without any member of a group beside you on stage, practicing and living together?
Actually, I feel there’s a big difference when I’m on a stage. The members play a very important role in heating the mood, but I had to do it alone during my recent activities, and it made me feel a little bit sad. I think it’s the biggest part.
4) We know that you are busy with the preparations for your global on-line concert. You already can imagine how it will be the experience of this virtual meeting with your fans all around the world? The name W BOX, make us think about a concert that will be “a box of surprises of WOODZ”. What you have prepared for the web-event?
W BOX means unknown and no one knows what’s inside. I’ve always wanted to hold a concert like a present box and also said a lot that I wanted to be a person like a question mark, and that’s the meaning of the concert. I made this title thinking it would be nice if people thought about what else WOODZ will do next. And MOODZ has been guessing a lot about the concert as well. There will be a lot of special performances, so I hope you enjoy it.
I want to watch the NOT JUST A CONCERT – W BOX
Woodz will hold an online concert for the first time and you still got time to buy your ticket!
Buy the ticket: Ticket Interpark
Date: 09/27
Time: 03h PM KRT
5) Can we expect a new meeting from WOODZ with the Brazilian fans in the future, even if it’s virtually? Also we would like to know about the virtual fan meetings. Some fans get nervous to speak to you. Do you also feel nervous when you meet the fans either if this meeting is in person or virtually?
Yes, if there’s any chance to meet Brazilian fans, I will absolutely do it. And I’m nervous about showing you the performance through online streaming, and I’ve been focusing on that point a lot when preparing the concert. Since MOODZ has been waiting for this moment for a long time, I hope the concerts will be a good memory for MOODZ and that’s why I feel nervous a lot.
6) In the song ‘Meaningless’, you touch the thematic of psychological reflection. Because of the actual global scene (because of Covid-19) your song gains more strength when millions of people have been affected psychologically in consequence of social distancing, with diseases like depression and anxiety. Thinking about that, do you have any special message for our readers to face this difficult moment?
Everyone is having a hard time these days, and I also want to be comforted. It’s a little bit complicated, but I get a lot of comfort when I read the messages MOODZ writes for me and when I communicate with MOODZ, so I hope they’ll also forget about any depression and be happy from what I give to them. That’s why I think a lot about new content and various things which I can give MOODZ, and I hope we overcome this difficult moment together by relying on each other.
Let’s talk a little bit about Brazil! Everyone knows your friendly relation with our country. Knowing that, although we know that you feel the affection of Brazilian fans through social networks, we would like to update you on what your fans think here.
7) Despite the stage name WOODZ, people in Brazil still usually call you Luizinho or Luizy. Can this somehow be a nuisance for you? In another moment, you already explained the meaning of the name WOODZ, could you tell a little more to our readers?
I made the name WOODZ before I started my solo career. At that time, I was having a depressing time, so I decided my values as ‘Root is heavy, branch is light’ to keep things that shouldn’t change in the deep of my mind and think about things a little lighter. And that’s why I made the name of WOODZ, because my value was related to trees. The name means I will be an artist who can show you various music like a forest with many trees.
8) People around here have been following you since UNIQ, supported you since your first steps in your solo career, effectively cheered for you both in SMTM and in Produce and were delighted with your debut in X1. Today, everyone is happy to see the success and recognition you have achieved. How is it for you to know that people on the other side of the planet have faithfully supported you over the years? And what lesson have you learned from looking at all your years and experiences in the entertainment industry?
It is really amazing how close I can communicate with people on the other side of the world. Also, I went to Brazil to perform as UNIQ, and the cheers and support were so energetic that I want to go to Brazil again if I have a chance to hold a world tour. And the lesson that I learned is to be relaxed. I think I can’t show you what I prepared when I’m in a hurry, so I try to be relaxed a lot.
9) You once recorded a music video for “How have u been” on the streets here in Brazil. As we look forward to your next visit, we plan on playing a game with you. We selected 4 incredible places in Brazil that would be great scenarios for a video. Which of these would you choose to record a clip for one of your songs and why? (see the image below, you can enlarge it to see it better)

R: Hm… Porto de Galinhas or Jardim Botânico? Actually I like them all because they are all beautiful. But the reason that I chose those two is because I like nature-related videos. Those make me want to go and try to record a clip with this beautiful nature. Also, it looks like a botanical garden, but I think that white sculpture is so cool at Jardim Botânico.
10) When you were younger, you were a player of the corinthians’ base team here in Brazil. How old were you at that time and how long did you live here exactly? Were you able to keep in touch with Brazilian colleagues from that time?
I think it was when I was 15 years old. I lived in Brazil for two years. I had talked to Brazilian colleagues right after I came back to Korea from Brazil through an online messenger, but I couldn’t keep in touch until now because the messenger disappeared. I couldn’t find the way to get in touch with them again.
11) What is your favorite sport nowadays? We saw in your vlogs on YouTube that you play soccer in the videogame, the sport still continues to be your biggest nation? For which team you cheer nowadays?
I still loke soccer the most. Since I just like to watch soccer, there’s no team that I exclusively cheer. I just enjoy watching soccer itself.
12) It may seem like a silly question, but in fact your fans really want to know: Do you miss any Brazilian food in specific?
Whenever I went to a Brazilian restaurant, there were Churrasco and Fried chinese yam, and I thought the fried chinese yan was really delicious. And, chocolate pizza? There was a burger truck in Brazil and I really want to try that burger again.
13) In a past interview, you said that your dream was to be recognized on the street. Nowadays, people line up to see you and they certainly recognize you on the streets. Do you believe that you have achieved the success you were aiming for? How do you feel about this dream coming true and what is your next dream to achieve? (NOTE: Do you mind when someone stops you on the street to ask for photos or autographs?)
I think it’s nice. When someone who recognizes me asks to take a photo together, I try to accept it except when I’m with other people. I think I’m trying to accept those things unless there’s a really difficult situation.
To unwind, answer the questions with the first thing that comes in your head!
♥ A food: Churrasco
♥ A smell: The smell of soccer field in Brazil.
♥ My first life memory is: Maybe… that I went to the ice-rink?
♥ If I could be another person for a day, who I would be? No one. I like being myself.
♥ An item of my wishlist: Nothing I ardently want to get right now.
♥ A movie to watch with friends: The movies from Marvel studios… Because they’re fun?
♥ Happiness for me is…The motive for everything I do.
To finish this interview, can you let a message inviting your Brazilian fans to participate on “2020 WOODZ: Not Just a Concert – W BOX”?
Hi, Brazilian fans. I’m WOODZ. There will be my first online concert and I’ve been preparing a lot of exciting and exclusive performances and contents which you’ve never seen before. There will be no regret at all if you watch ‘NOT JUST A CONCERT – W BOX’. Please spend time with me at the concert. I will always try to show you great performance! Please stay healthy and be happy. I will be right back to you. Thank you so much.
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Interview by K4US Team
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