We had a super cool chat with KISU, a former member of the group 24K and now is risking in a solo career. In an interview, he told us about the two years in the korean army, which inspirations he have for songwriting, plans for the future and, of course , the affection he feels for his fans and how he misses being in touch with his fanbase. He also confessed that he misses Brazil and revealed the brazilian food that he is dying to try.

KISU is an artist that deserves a lot of recognition. We were impacted with so much affection coming from this human being. We’re sure you guys will like to know more about KISU ♥

KISU parado em uma estrada com guarda-chuva aberto


Hello, Kisu! We’re glad to bring news from you for your fans after a long time. Also, we like to know that you’re coming back for the music.

1) How do you feel about returning, now as a solo artist, after a period serving the army? Browsing your instagram, we’re intrigued, do you intend to use “Soo” as your new stage name?

A: The name Soo was created in the previous company and for that, i intend not using anymore. My ‘stage name’ will be my actual name KISU. Means ‘one who stays ahead, vanguard’. I want to be a singer who is always standing in the front and so i will use the name KISU!

2) Speaking of these two years dedicated to the armed forces of your contry, we were curious about what this period is like for the artists. We imagine that for those who work with music and arts, spending so much time dedicating to another type of work can be hard. How were the last two years for you? During this time, did you dedicate yourself to the music or arts in any way?

A: Being a Korean man, enforce the military exercise is a duty. In fact, before i left, i was a little desperate. That’s because i wasn’t a famous artist and it felt like i didn’t had any results in my career. This made me frustrated. But during this 2 years, i matured my ideas and looked for ways to make better songs. Also, i took a guitar to compose music. Those two years were useful to look back and reflect on who i really was and also to write songs. Were meaningful. I believe that KISU from 2 years ago is very different from KISU today!

3) Besides work itself, the mandatory service period also ends up lengthening the distance between fan and idol. We know that, for the fans, this moment is hard, most of the time, but for you, how was it? Did you keep in touch with fans on social media or in any other way?

A: I really wanted to see the fans and made concerts. Because of that, when i had a slightly longer vacation, i gave free presentations so I could get in touch with the fans. It was a moment fot the fans and for me. They wrote letters for me and i also wrote for them. Those were momentos that really warmed my heart.

KISU photoshoot

4) Did you ever think about what name you would like to give your fan club? How do you would like to affectionately call your fans?

A: I don’t have a name yet! If you who are reading this interview could give suggestions, i will think about the options. Which name will suit me? Tell me!

5) We particularly think that you’re a Fan Service king. Which others qualities do you own and would like that people gave more attention?

A: I would like that people know that i’m really honest when showing affection. I am really grateful to all the fans that, a certain way, support me, but, for other hand, i’m truly sorry. Despite not being able to show many results and still missing a lot to be ‘really good’, you always cheer for me and that gives me a lot of strength. Be assured that I will still reward you guys for that!

6) The last time 24K was in Brazil, for example, fans had the opportunity to see you again through a special video that you recorded for the tour before enlisting. Can we expect a live performance sometime in Brazil?

A: As soon as the situation with COVID gets better 100%, i would like to go to Brazil to do a concert! I had promised that I will return and I have to comply. So i intend to return to Brazil. I miss you guys!

KISU Photoshoot

7) Do you have any remarkable memories of Brazil? Something that was exciting or funny? Did anything about us remain in your memory?

A: I remember recording interviews with Brazilian youtubers… I remember to do the Chubby bunny, a joke that we put several Marshmellows in the mouth! It was very funny! I also remember the letters they gave us on the fansigns… I was very moved because they wrote in Korean for us.


8) In fact, we also want to know about your career plans. What’s next for projects? We heard that you should invest in your solo career. Are there any predictions of when we can check out this new phase of your project? Could you give a spoiler (concepts/music genres) of what fans can expect about your future projects?

A: The song, photos and MV are ready. Now we just need to give the final touch and realease.

I intend to try several styles of music, without limiting myself to a specific genre.

I would like to try work in a style that Brazilian fans enjoy. Wait for it!

Kisu is looking for youtubers and content creators who want to react to his video. Kisu said the video is getting amazing! Do you have a favorite youtuber or do you know someone who would like to react? Tell KISU on twitter.

9) We are curious to know how you feel when you enter in the studio to record music. How do you usually do this? Do you try to be as fast as possible, do you like to change some things? Tell us a little about your creative process!

A: In my case, I think a lot about my life experience to compose music. Sometimes i write seeing a view, other times the keywords come from a conversation between friends. In the army I wrote a song from a freshman’s story about how he broke up with his girlfriend. This is usually it. When I’m recording, I try to express as much what I am feeling. Even if the recording takes 10 hours, I try to load the song with my true feelings.

10) The dynamics of a solo career can be quite different from a group work. What do you think will be the main difference in acting as a solo? Can you already feel the difference between being a solo artist and part of a group?

A: I recently feel lonely. Before I was with the members and they completed what lacked, just as I also gave a lot of myself. And now, it’s very difficult to have to solve everything alone. Before I had no idea of that, but now I realize that I miss that time!

11) Which advice would you leave for a fan who is going through a bad time? A phrase from your comfort can change someone’s day.

A: If you’re going through a bad time right now, probably tomorrow will be a better day.

I will always be by your side, so let’s fight together, for everything can become better. Love you.

12) Which videos from your Channel do you like the most or are you proud of? Let’s suggest our readers to watch a lot!! Besides covers, have you thought about making vlogs and showing your day-to-day? Here in Brazil we will love it!

A: Actually, I still don’t have a favorite video cover. Every time seems to be missing something and have something to fix. That’s why I’m always trying.

I am also preparing V-logs!

Ah! And I’m also working hard to prepare a Brazilian cover song! Wait for it!

So, as an indication from K4US, we suggest this cover that KISU made of the song ‘Never Not’, by Lauv. Because KISU sang, recorded and edited EVERYTHING ALONE. He delivered talent!

Lauv - Never Not (Cover by KISU)


Now a quick game! We ask you to answer with the first thing that comes to your mind! 

What is your biggest flaw? I think and worry too much
What is your biggest quality? I know I’ll always try harder than anyone
How would you define your personality? I am kind and friendly 🙂
What is your biggest dream today? Bill Board TOP 100 in 3 years
What was the most difficult part of your life as a singer? When I was financially tight


We played “This or that” with KISU, and here’s your exclusive template. Compare your options with Kisu’s, take a print and publish in the stories, checking K4US and KISU @1990kisu.

this or that kisu

Choose one of these typical Brazilian foods to try the next time you come to Brazil:

A: I would like to try Cuzcuz! Looks delicious!

We graduated to Kisu for the affection with the fans around the world, and for accepting to make this interview so detailed. Special thanks to the producer Highway Star who made this interview possible!

Interview by K4US | Translated by Rachel | Review bt Caroline
Please, do not use without giving the credits: www.k4us.com.br